The University's emissions reduction commitment was announced on Friday, December 15, 2016. Read the full announcement.
Universities are uniquely positioned to spearhead the research, innovations, and cultural shifts necessary to address human-induced climate change. As the Commonwealth’s flagship university, the University of Kentucky will serve as an exemplar by implementing strategies that lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while enhancing campus operations and reducing long-term energy costs. Reducing emissions will improve our shared environment. At the same time, it will reduce UK’s utility costs paid for by tax dollars and the tuition and room and board fees paid by UK students and their families.
“We are, above all else, a learning institution. This new commitment will catalyze not only concrete, strategic actions that will improve our environment, but also a thoughtful approach to how these issues can help further our educational and scholarly missions.” President Eli Capilouto
The Emissions Reduction Plan was developed by a task force of the President's Sustainability Advisory Committee.
Progress toward this goal will be reported annually and progress reports will be archived here.
2017-2018 Emissions Reduction Progress Report