The mission of the President's Sustainability Advisory Committee is to focus and coordinate the University’s activities within the broad meaning of sustainability, as reflected in the University’s Statement on Sustainability Policy and Principles (PDF). The committee was also charged with a more specific set of responsibilities. The committee has been very active recently in the development and coordination of the Sustainability Challenge Grant Programs.
Established in May of 2008, this advisory committee grew out of the work of a Task Force. The task force was appointed in 2005 after a group of students met with University Administrators to encourage sustainable development at the University of Kentucky.
The committee meets monthly between August and May on the second Thursday of the month. Meetings are held from 1 p.m.-3 p.m. and are open to the public. Guests are welcome to attend and are encouraged to present ideas and pose questions about sustainability-related issues at UK. Meeting location varies month to month because the committee often tour campus facilities as part of their meetings. If you would like to attend a meeting or make a presentation to the committee, please contact Shane Tedder at
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TFISE is a cross-college entity at the University of Kentucky whose goal is to facilitate interdisciplinary efforts of faculty on campus to create transformative, new approaches to various environmental and sustainability issues that relate to today's grand challenge: providing the food, energy, and water necessary to support an expanding global population in a sustainable manner in the face of a changing climate.
In early 2016, UK HealthCare formed a sustainability steering committee to advance and coordinate sustainability initiatives throughout the organization. The early priorities for this group involve developing and deploying a comprehensive set of waste reduction strategies and program. The scope of the committee's work extends well beyond materials management. The mission, charge, and composition of the group can be found below. UK HealthCare has also joined the Healthier Hospital Initiative based on a recommendation from this committee.
For more information about this committee, please contact Corey Billups at 859-323-0769 or The UK HealthCare Sustainability Steering Committee also maintains a sustainability section on the UK HealthCare CareWeb site (requires login).
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UK Athletics, under the leadership of Kevin Saal and Scott Geisinger, established a Sustainability Team in the fall of 2017. The team includes stakeholders from across Athletics operations and the UK Sustainability Coordinator. This group was charged with identifying targets and goals in support of the University’s Sustainability Strategic Plan. Toward this end, they developed a Sustainability Action Plan and created a website for communicating their plan.