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The following text is superimposed on a blue background: "Sustainability strategic plan  'The sustainability strategic plan wuill guide our effort ot more fully embrase sustainability." - President Eli Capilouto

Download Full  2017-2022 Document

Guiding Principles for an updated Sustainability Strategic Plan

Sustainability has blossomed at the University of Kentucky over the last decade and is now manifest in a broad set of initiatives, programs and guiding documents. A team of students, staff and faculty assisted the UK Office of Sustainability in the creation of this plan to guide the University’s efforts relative to sustainability in campus operations for the next five years. Tactic teams, working with input from the campus community, selected seven operational areas of focus and developed strategies, tactics, and action items for each.

An abstract drawing of a surplus warehouse, garbage truck, and recycling center. At the top the text materials management is printed in a large font.


Gain a deeper understanding of the life of materials at UK; engage in education, waste reduction, landfill diversion; and seek to improve the sustainability of material purchased across all areas of the University.


1. Increase Uks waste diversion rate to 50 percent 2. develop and implement a sustabability purchasing protocol 3. conduct waste audits to understand the university's waste stream and identify reduction, diversion and procurement improvements 4. increase education and outreach on waste diversion/reduction and procurement practices

What we're doing: Recycling Champions

UK Recycling is partnering with Bluegrass Greensource, a local nonprofit specializing in environmental education, to increase student recycling participation in residence halls. With UK’s campus-wide recycling infrastructure growing, continued education is key for recycling participation, especially among residential students. Bluegrass Greensource has implemented recycling education in three residence halls on campus through promotional materials and a peer education program. Students in the residence halls have been recruited as “recycling champions” to promote and educate their peers about recycling. The recycling champions have passed out flyers, given away promotional materials, and are planning recycling-based residence hall programing.

An abstract drawing of buildings, at the top the word energy is printed in large text.


Reduce the financial, social and environmental impacts of campus energy consumption through conservation, efficiency and production/delivery system improvements.


How we're going to do it:

1. Optimize, renovate and upgrade buildings for energy efficiency 2. optimize electricity used for campus lighting 3. increase energy awareness 4. optimize utility plans and distribution systems

What we're doing: Lighting Upgrades

In April of this year, the University replaced the 500-watt light bulbs on the 3rd and 5th floors of W.T. Young Library with LED bulbs. Changing these high-ceiling study area light bulbs is also predicted to save the university approximately $65,000 a year and reduce carbon emissions by 1000 tons annually, equivalent to removing 214 cars from the road for a year. Our building operators will also spend much less time on lifts and ladders changing out the bulbs, reducing both disruptions to students in these areas and safety risks for our employees.

A produce stand is outside of a building where two women sit drinking coffee. At the top of the image is the text "FOOD AND DINING SERVICES" in a large font.


Implement innovative strategies for a comprehensive and increasingly sustainable campus food system. Enhance existing practices and develop new initiatives in the areas of procurement, operations and disposal across all dining services.


How we're going to do it:

1. Integrate sustanability metrics and targets in dining operations 2. Improve stakeholder engagement and education 3. Improve sustainability through local and sustainable purchasing goals. 4. work with dining units, catering and uk healthcare to further integrate sustainability in the campus dining experience 5. expand programs that adress food insecurity.

What we're doing:

First annual progress report coming soon! 

A collection of people walking in different directions, a bus in the background, and an electric car next to it. At the top of the image in a large font is the word TRANSPORTATION.



Promote safety, health and environmental stewardship by providing incentives and programs designed to increase the number of faculty, staff and students using sustainable transportation options.


How we're going to do it:

1. Improve access to transit options and increase ridership 2. Expand and enhance campus bicycle infrastructure 3. launch a commuter incentive program 4. implement parking strategies and technology

What we're doing:

First annual progress report coming soon!

an abstract photo of a campus building, at the top is the text buildings and grounds in large font.


Design, construct, operate and maintain spaces that support the mission of the University while promoting environmental stewardship and the well-being of the community.

How we're going to do it:

1. New construction 2. Building maintenance and operation 3. building renovations 4. grounds maintenance and operation 5. urban forest management

What we're doing:

First annual progress report coming soon! 

two bikers ride by in front of a bus, garbage truck, and electric car. The text at the top of the image reads Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the campus to 25 percent below 2010 levels by 2025.

How we're going to do it:

Read the full Emissions Reduction Plan.

1. Energy conversation and Efficiency 2. Waste Reduction 3. Transportation 4. Research and evaluate phase 2 strategies

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

What we're doing:

In 2017-2018, UK reduced emissions by more than 20,000 metric tons compared to 2016-2017, a four percent drop. Energy conservation and efficiency improvements to our chilled water production accounted for the majority of these reductions. Lighting upgrades and improvements to steam distribution systems also contributed. 

2017-2018 Emissions Reduction Progress Report 

a graph showing University of kentucky greenhouse gas emissions in units of Metric tons of carbon dioxide equvilent per year. The following values are shown: 505,000 in 2010, 532,000 in 2011, 520,000 in 2012, 507,000 in 2013, 520,000 in 2014, 518,000 in 2015, 510,000 in 2016, 508,000 in 2017 and 485,000 in 2018
An abstract image of a building, and its associated water usage and runoff. At the top of the image is the word WATER in a large font.



Maximize the infiltration and evapotranspiration of stormwater, protect water quality, and conserve water resources.

How we're going to do it:

1. maximize stormwater infiltration and evapotranspiration 2. minimize negative impacts to water quality across all operations 3. optimize the use of water in campus facilities 4. optimize the use of water on campus grounds 5. conduct water focused outreach and engagement on campus.

Water Tactics

What we're doing:

First annual progress report coming soon!