The mission of the President's Sustainability Advisory Committee is to focus and coordinate the University’s activities within the broad meaning of sustainability, as reflected in the University’s Statement on Sustainability Policy and Principles (PDF). The committee was also charged with a more specific set of responsibilities. The committee has been very active recently in the development and coordination of the Sustainability Challenge Grant Programs.
Established in May of 2008, this advisory committee grew out of the work of a Task Force. The task force was appointed in 2005 after a group of students met with University Administrators to encourage sustainable development at the University of Kentucky.
2017-2018 State of Sustainability Report
The committee meets monthly between August and May on. Guests are welcome to attend and are encouraged to present ideas and pose questions about sustainability-related issues at UK. Meeting location varies month to month because the committee often tour campus facilities as part of their meetings. If you would like to attend a meeting or make a presentation to the committee, please contact Shane Tedder at
Fall 2022 Meeting Dates and Time
The Committee is composed as follows:
1. Two members from University business operations;
2. Three faculty members;
3. Two student members;
4. One member from Student and Academic Life (Provost);
5. One member representing the University research mission (Vice President for Research);
6. One member from Environmental Management;
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7. One member from UK Public Relations (non-voting);
8. One member from the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government;
9. One member from the Tracy Farmer Institute for Sustainability and the Environment;
10. Up to four members at large;
11. The Sustainability Coordinator (Ex Officio);
12. The Vice President for Facilities Management or designee (Ex Officio); and
13. The Sustainability Manager for UK Dining (Ex Officio).