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An image depicting an office with sustainability-focused features including a bike, a plant, and a recycling bin.


The Sustainable Office Certification (SOC) Program seeks to increase the sustainability of the day-to-day operations of campus offices through education, encouragement, and reflection. The SOC Program offers offices metrics to evaluate and advance sustainable office behaviors. Each certified office will be ranked on a scale from bronze to Wildcat based on their finalized scorecard. The entire certification process should take an estimated four hours over four to five weeks to complete.

An employee is considered anyone who works at least 50% of their time in the office, including contracted, part-time, STEPS, or regular employees. An office is considered a group of at least three employees who share space and resources. Applications for the SOC Program open twice per year (Fall and Spring) to any on-campus office interested in participating in the program. Fill out our interest form to be notified when applications are open.

Program Benefits

  • Join a cross-campus network of peers working together to be agents of change.
  • Play a key role in implementing university-wide sustainability goals and programs.
  • Add to your knowledge of sustainability concepts.
  • Gain university-wide recognition for your sustainability efforts.

How to Certify

Step 1

Select a point person for your office to coordinate program participation through. This will be your office’s Sustainability Ambassador.

Step 2 (~1 hour)

Complete the interest form to request an introductory meeting where we will answer any initial questions, explain the scorecard, and review the current practices in your office. A baseline score for your office will be determined, but this will not be the score used for certification.

Step 3 (~3 hours)

After the introductory meeting, your office will have until the final submission date to discuss the program with your office and make any changes you would like to improve your office’s score. Once the scorecard is resubmitted, this will be the final score used to rank and certify your office.

Step 4

Attend the end-of-cohort networking luncheon to be recognized for your office's efforts.

Step 5

Attend the Sustainability Showcase to collect your office’s certificate.

Step 6

Recertify within two years. Certification is valid for up to two years, but offices may also recertify sooner.

Scorecard Evaluation Example Criteria

Zero Waste

  • The office has a container to recycle batteries.
  • The office has a recycling bin near each printer and copier.


  • All office employees refrain from use of personal refrigerators.

  • All employees turn off or unplugs coffee makers when not in use.


  • The office purchases post-consumer waste (PCW) paper.
  • All employees source their purchases through UK Surplus before buying new.

Travel and Transportation

  • The office has bicycle parking located conveniently to the building. If not, the office has contacted Facilities/ Operations to see if relocating existing bike racks or obtaining new racks is a possibility.


  • All employees know how to report a drip or leak.
  • All employees know how to report an illicit discharge.

Our People

  • Office management have taken the Wellbeing at Work web-based training on MyUK.
  • The office has hosted a lecture from the Human Development Institute’s University Lecture Series.

Green Events

  • There is a vegan option available at all hosted events where food is provided.
  • Your office utilizes the hydration station for outdoor events.

Program Participation

  • The office has planned an event centered around (or simply including) sustainability in the past 2 years.


  • Let us know what other sustainability-related initiatives your office participates in.

Certified Offices

Wildcat Paw: 80-100% of available points

  • Waste, Recycling, and Trucking
  • UK Dining
  • Urban Forest Initiative

Gold Paw: 65-79% of available points

  • Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Center for Student Success Advising
  • College of Design Administration
  • College of Design Student Success Advising Office
  • Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

Silver Paw: 50-64% of available points

  • Utilities and Energy Management & Facilities Engineering and Asset Management
  • The Graduate School
  • Education Abroad and Exchanges
  • Biology Department Main Office
  • Gatton Economics Department
  • School of Human and Environmental Science & Family and Consumer Sciences Extension

Bronze Paw: 10-49% of available points

  • Public Relations and Marketing


Contact for any assistance or questions about the Sustainable Office Certification Program.